The Napoleans

A Textal Companion to the Napoleans Historic Performance at the 1995 LBHS Showcase of the Bands

The Napoleans, a Band

Here's the recording off the boards of the performance.

Follow along below.

Intro (South Longwood)

0:10 Our pals Erik and Anthony were M-C-ing the Showcase.

0:22 Brent's stage name was "Toast". Noone knows what that "Straight out of cookies!" is that is said after Erik says "We got Toast...".

0:40 The "Let Them Eat Cake" line was Erik's improvisation, probably referring to Napoleon and Mary Antoinette both being French?

1:27 Brent wrote a lot more words for "South Longwood", but decided to cut it short and get to our more fleshed out songs. I think it was a good decision, but at the time it increased my nervousness because things weren't going according to plan.

1:40 I felt like Brent was stepping on my lines, so I emitted the high-pitched "Hee!".

Quickie Motel

1:00 Adam has some bass problems and Brent laughs and says "Excellent".

1:58 I always liked the line "Some would say his name was Morty".

2:33 For some reason I felt that playing "Dixie" was appropriate at this point in the song.

3:10 In the subdivision where most of us lived, "Sabal Point", a few younger kids were in a "gang" called ACCMM, whose sole purpose seemed to be smoking in the woods and throwing rocks at Brent's car when he drove by them. Brent jumps off the set-list.

3:19 Rustin yells "Brent, brent, BRENT!" as Brent corrects his set-list error.

3:27 Brent thanks people yelling "Fuck You!".

3:37 My 10 fans cheer when I take off my hat to show off my haircut. I was way more style than substance.

3:51 We are consummate professionals.

3:53 Adam takes charge.

Creepy Jackalope Eye

0:29 At this point in life, harmonizing was the coolest thing ever.

0:43 Adam doesn't quite know the words.

0:55 Brent played the solo near-perfectly...

1:11 But the clean-sound of the guitar was a bit rough...

1:19 and then his strap broke and you can hear my guitar...

1:24 Then Brent starts playing on one leg...

1:30 Adam still isn't 100% on the words...

2:04 Brent announces the obvious, then sets about fixing his strap.

2:18 Brent responds to "You suck!"

2:23 Rustin obliges the request for a drum-solo.

2:30 I announce the next song.

2:34 Adam gets fed up with hecklers and says "Shut Up".

2:36 I say "Grr".

2:37 Brent obliges a request for Slayer,

2:46 I grab his guitar neck to stop the Slayer.

2:50 False start, we're great!


0:19 Brent shows off his "Gruff" voice.

0:53 We ate at Steak n' Shake 11 days in a row one time, but thought that doing 11 days was obnoxious (well, I didn't but other people did). We did seven not because ofthe days of the week, but because Devo does 7 in the song "Whip It!".

1:01 "Margarita" was the name of our favorite waitress at Steak n' Shake.

1:44 Rustin plays an unrequested drum solo.

1:54 Brent thanks a heckler for telling us our quality was sub=par.

1:57 I state the obvious for the listeners not at the show.

2:00 Brent does a "Yee=Haw".

2:04 After the show, brent's mom told him that Gay guys use the word "Fabulous".

Quickie Motel

0:17 My vocal prowess.

0:24 My improv prowess.

1:10 Adam didn't like when we used the crazy voices.

1:32 My friends pooled their resources to buy me a porn-mag called "Cheri" for my 18th birthday.

1:54 Call and Response between Brent and I.

2:32 Eerie Silence.

2:40 I mis-spell the name of my High School.

2:44 Lake brantley's Mascot was the Patriot, and our motto was "Meet The Challenge".

3:04 Our big plan was to play "Seether" over and over like we did at my birthday party at my house. It was supposed to be a secret.

3:24 A Heckler makes his "Fuck You!" heard.

3:25 Adam responds with an appropriate level of creativity, and notes it. Meanwhile, Rustin has moved to the mic and Brent is in the back on the drums.


0:55 My guitar comes unplugged as Rustin flails about.

1:19 I sing backup.

1:43 My big Guitar Solo!

1:50 Rustin unplugs my guitar again while breakdancing.

2:16 We start to play the song a second time, planning to do it until we're kicked off stage.

2:31 Brent's drumsticks are grabbed while he's playing and we're told to stop. So it ends.

2:55 I yell "Emmanuel! God With Us!" to fellow tuba-player in the audience, Emmanuel.

Check out some detailed Napoleanic History here.